Editor In Butch

Get Lucky!

In Uncategorized on January 23, 2009 at 3:35 pm

According to Susan Miller at Astrologyzone.com,
today is the luckiest day of the year!

Translation: Don’t stay home!

People always complain that horoscopes and predictions are lame, or self-fulfilling prophesies at best. My response is: so what! If it’s a good propheshy: Go fulfill it! Put on your snappiest outfit, head to a location largely populated with available women, and strut your stuff. Almost everything in life comes down to confidence (any butch will tell you that). So take your encouragement from anywhere you can.

I mean if the planets are aligned for a night of good luck, just go with it. Don’t question, don’t test it, just believe.

Have a way-groovy, far-out day people!

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